◆What is “Oshi-Katsu(=action for Recommendation)”?
The term “Oshi-Katsu” refers to activities to support idols, actors, celebrities, anime characters, and other objects that you have fallen in love with, and it is one of the words that has become established as you hear and see more and more often, such as being nominated for the 2021 Trend Word of the Year award.
◆”Oshi-Shohi(=consume for Recommendation)” supports the economy and consumption
The term “Oshi-Shohi” has been coined.
People who feel that they can do their best in school, club activities, and work because they have (or have) a “Oshi(=Recommendation)” spend money for their “Oshi” and companies are also using various methods of “Oshi” marketing.
Our experienced staff, who have handled numerous movie and character licenses (copyrights) in Japan and Taiwan, can help you plan campaigns and commercialize products using visuals (photos and illustrations) of popular movies and characters.
Various Businesses
Taiwan-towels : raised on one side
Taiwan-towels : double-sided raised
OEM business for high quality products made in Japan, Taiwan, etc.
About Benribako(Utility Box)
About Us
Corporate Philosophy
The Story of Starting a Business
Greetings from the President
News and Diary
- 弊社へのお問い合わせについて
- 2023年注目のアニメ、コラボ有力作品
- 2023年新年のご挨拶
- 私なりの冒険心
- 【Pick Up Movie♪】「野球部に花束を」2022年8月11日(木・祝)全国ロードショー
News related to “Taiwan”
- 塩野義製薬-反発 台湾でコロナ治療薬の新薬承認申請が受理 備蓄契約も締結(トレーダーズ・ウェブ) - Yahoo!ファイナンス
- “交流に長年貢献”中村知事に台湾から「外交の友 貢献賞」松山空港定期便やサイクリングなど評価【愛媛】 - FNNプライムオンライン
- イチロー氏が米野球殿堂入り、台湾メディアも注目「伝説的なキャリア」「満票ならず驚き」 - Record China
- 【台湾】嘉義県で最大震度6弱観測 M6.4、台南・高雄でも強い揺れ(NNA) - Yahoo!ニュース
- 台湾のサイゼリヤで日本で見たことがないメニューを食べてみた&お得な平日ランチは本当にお得なのか検証 - Pouch[ポーチ]