Our experienced staff can assist you with merchandising and promotional planning utilizing character licenses, as well as tie-in promotions for movie releases. Please feel free to contact us.
Support business for sales promotion and
commercialization utilizing movies and characters

Movies and characters have an appeal that attracts people.
Having a product of a favorite movie or character makes you happy and brings a smile to your face.
There are many character-related products, including products in which characters and companies collaborate, and products in which characters and characters collaborate. We can help you plan products that utilize characters and license promotions that use characters in advertising materials. We support all aspects of licensing, from planning, to inquiries and coordination with licensors, to inquiries and coordination with manufacturers of products.
・「NARUTO 疾風伝」×大手回転すしチェーン、ミニチュアフィギュアプレゼント企画
・「カナヘイの小動物 ピスケ&うさぎ」×台湾プロ野球4球団、コラボ商品販売企画
・「ワンピース」×台湾プロ野球4球団、コラボ商品販売企画 など
>>>Achievements of the person in charge (Taiwan)
– “One Piece” × major kaiten sushi chain, miniature figure present project
– “NARUTO Shippuden” x major kaiten sushi chain, miniature figure giveaway project
– “Hatsune Miku” x online game, avatar costume giveaway project
– “Doraemon” x Japanese credit card company, bank cash card issuance project
– “Pokemon” fun run event (world’s first), planning, direction, and operation Planning, direction, and operation of the “Kumamon” mystery solving event
– “Kanahei’s little animals Pisuke & Usagi” x 4 professional baseball teams in Taiwan, collaboration product sales planning
– “One Piece” x 4 professional baseball teams in Taiwan, collaboration product sales planning, etc.
Achievements of our personnel

>>>”ONE PIECE” x Taiwan’s largest conveyor-belt sushi chain (2013)
A collaboration between Taiwan’s largest conveyor-belt sushi chain, which has 280 stores in Taiwan alone, and the popular anime “One Piece. A campaign was conducted in which customers who ate a certain number of plates of conveyor-belt sushi and paid a certain number of NT$ (NT$) extra received a miniature figure (8 cm to 10 cm).
The response was far greater than expected, and the limited-edition “Chopperman” sold out immediately.
The limited-edition “Chopperman” sold out immediately, tickling the collecting spirit of “One Piece” fans and making this the most successful campaign ever for the sushi chain.

◆「NARUTO 疾風伝」×台湾国内最大手の回転すしチェーン(2014年)
起用したのは「NARUTO 疾風伝」。「ワンピース」の時と同様、回転すしを一定のお皿の数分を食べて、プラス何元(NT$)かを支払うとミニチュアフィギュア(8cm~10cm)がもらえるキャンペーンを実施。
>>>”NARUTO Shippuden” x Taiwan’s largest conveyor-belt sushi chain (2014)
After the highly successful collaboration with “ONE PIECE”, the company conducted a character licensing promotion for the second consecutive year.
The character used was “NARUTO Shippuden”. As with the “One Piece” campaign, customers who ate a certain number of plates of kaiten sushi and paid a certain number of yuan (NT$) plus whatever amount they paid received a miniature figure (8 cm to 10 cm).
The figures took a long time to supervise due to the particular posing of the figures, but the result was a fairly high quality figure, making this a measure that received a great response from consumers.

>>>”Hatsune Miku” x Dance Game by One of the Top 5 Online Game Companies in Taiwan (2013)
There are several world-renowned online game companies in Taiwan, and one of the top 5 companies developed a dance game featuring “Hatsune Miku,” the pioneer of Vocaloid, in a collaboration.
The game allows users to purchase “Hatsune Miku” costumes in-game, and the “Hatsune Miku” limited edition packaging was used for packaged goods sold in stores, which sold out immediately. The person in charge of the collaboration was selected as the company’s employee of the year.

>>>”Doraemon” x Japanese Credit Card Companies (2013-2017)
In Taiwan, foreign credit card brands were strong and Japanese credit card brands were still weak. Therefore, a long-term promotion featuring “Doraemon,” which has the strongest image of Japan and is convenient “anytime, anywhere” was developed.
Through the promotion, all banks in Taiwan issued credit cards with the “Doraemon” design and received permission to produce a large three-dimensional object, which is rare in the history of “Doraemon” licensed promotions, contributing greatly to the increase in the number of credit cards issued by the company in Taiwan.

当時、台湾国内では人気キャラクターのファンラン(5km程度の楽しむランニング)イベントが毎年、何回も開催されていました。記憶を辿ると…「ワンピース」、「ドラえもん」、「ハローキティ」、「スポンジ・ボブ」、「アドベンチャータイム」、「NARUTO – 疾風伝」など。
>>>Fun-run event organized by “Pokemon” itself (2016)
At that time, there were a number of fun-run events (a 5 km run for fun) for popular characters held in Taiwan every year. If we recall… “One Piece”, “Doraemon”, “Hello Kitty”, “Sponge Bob”, “Adventure Time”, “NARUTO – Shippuden”, etc.
In the midst of all this, we held a “Pokemon” fun-run event under our own sponsorship. Many companies sponsored the event, and the venue was filled with Pikachu T-shirts, making it a large-scale event that attracted approximately 5,800 people.

>>>”KUMAMON” in-house organized, mystery solving event (2017)
We launched a mystery-solving event project, which has not been held in Taiwan before, and used “Kumamon” for the event.
Kumamon” is a local character who often travels to Taiwan and is very well known. A “Kumamon” fun-run event was held, attracting more than 9,000 participants.
The first ever “Kumamon” riddle solving event was held in a large shopping mall in the southern part of New Taipei City, which surrounds Taipei City, where visitors could receive a miniature stuffed animal of “Kumamon” after solving five riddles. A panel exhibition introducing the tourist attractions of Kumamoto Prefecture and a product exhibition selling Kumamoto’s specialties were also held, attracting many visitors.

◆「カナヘイの小動物 ピスケ&うさぎ」×台湾プロ野球4チーム、コラボ商品の販売(2019年)
台湾プロ野球は、チームごとに積極的にキャラクターコラボ商品を販売していますが、全4球団(2019年当時、2022年現在5チーム、2023年から6チーム)が、同時期に同じキャラクターを起用したことがなく、2019年に台湾プロ野球史上初めて実現し、起用したのが「カナヘイの小動物 ピスケ&うさぎ」。
>>>”Kanahei’s Little Animals: Pisuke & Usagi x 4 Taiwanese Professional Baseball Teams, Sales of Collaboration Products (2019)
Taiwan Professional Baseball actively sells character collaboration products for each team, but all four teams (five teams as of 2019, five teams as of 2022, and six teams from 2023) have never used the same character at the same time, and in 2019, for the first time in Taiwan Professional Baseball history, they realized and used the ” Kanahei’s little animals Pisuke & Usagi”.
Kanahei’s characters are well known and popular in Taiwan through the stamps on the LINE app, and the response was so great that the Professional Baseball League of Taiwan (CPBL) wanted to sell the collaborative products.

>>>”ONE PIECE” x Four Taiwanese Professional Baseball Teams to Sell Collaboration Products (2020)
At the time, admission to professional baseball games in Taiwan was restricted, and many professional baseball fans were unable to visit the stadiums. In such a situation, all the teams decided to unite to sell character collaboration products despite the lack of ticket revenue, in order to provide fans with as much enjoyment as possible.
The decision to use “One Piece” was made in July, and the product went on sale in September, a super-expedited schedule.