The Story of President-Oda’s Business Startup

I have caused a lot of trouble for many people by acting on my thoughts and feelings. I would like to introduce the story of how I started my own business.
-1998.4 | グラフィックデザインを学んだことから、印刷工程の製版部門を担う企業に就職、DTP業務に従事 入社して半年が経つ頃、いつかデザイナーになりたいと思いながらも、社内のデザイナーのデザイン力と自分を比較し、自身のデザイン能力に限界を感じ、映画好きだったこともあり映画業界の転職先を模索し始めます。中途半端な気持ちのままの転職活動だったこともあって上手く進まず、入社から2年半が経過…。意を決して退職日を決めて転職活動をしたところ、すぐに内定をいただき、いよいよ初めての転職先へ転職となります。 Having studied graphic design, she started working for a company that handles the plate-making part of the printing process, and engaged in DTP work. Six months after joining the company, he started looking for a new job in the movie industry because he had a love of movies. He felt that his own design ability was limited, and since he loved movies, he began to look for a new job in the film industry. I decided on a resignation date and began my job search. I soon received a job offer and was finally able to move on to my first new job. |
-2001.6 | 映画タイインプロモーションを企画する企業に転職 デザイナーのサポートスタッフとしての採用でしたが、デザイン力がなかったこともあって、WEBディレクター、営業アシスタント、営業、イベントディレクター、個人情報管理責任者、サーバー管理責任者、など様々な経験を積ませていただきました。在籍中に、同社ロサンゼルス支社に入社して、東京本社に研修に来ていた同僚の台湾人女性と出会い、仲良くしてもらいお付き合いさせていただくことに。Berlitzで英語を学び、ちょっとずつ語学力がついていくも、どこか、違和感を感じていて、少しずつ北京語の必要性を感じ台湾留学を決意、退職することになります。 Joined a company planning movie tie-in promotions. I was hired as a support staff for the designer, but due to my lack of design skills, I gained a variety of experience, including web director, sales assistant, sales, event director, personal information management manager, and server management manager. During my tenure at Berlitz, I met a colleague, a Taiwanese woman, who had joined the company’s Los Angeles office and was training at the Tokyo headquarters, and we became friends and started a relationship. I decided to study in Taiwan and left the company. |
-2008.9 | 台湾国立台湾師範大学、国語教学センター北京語課程へ留学 台湾へ渡航する直前、フライト予定日の2日前に台湾人女性からメールが届き…「別れたい」との衝撃の内容!! 台湾への渡航費を支払っていたこともあり、何のために台湾に行くのかわからないままに、渡航することになります。期間を決めない、初めての海外での生活にワクワク感もありながら、喪失感もありましたが、仲良くしてくれた日本人や外国人の友人たちのおかげで、濃厚な6か月間を過ごすことができました。この留学期間で出会い、親友と言える友ができたことは、本当に幸せなことです。あと、私の妻でもある日本人女性と出会ったのもこの台湾留学期間中で、ある意味、このために台湾にいったのかも?と、今では感じております。妻とは2011年に結婚し、2児を授かっております。 Studied at National Taiwan Normal University, National Center for Language Teaching, Mandarin Course Just before I was to travel to Taiwan, two days before my flight was scheduled to leave, I received a text message from a Taiwanese woman… “I want to break up with you,” to my shock! I had paid for my trip to Taiwan and had no idea what I was going to do there. I was excited to live abroad for the first time without a set period of time, but also felt a sense of loss. Thanks to my Japanese and foreign friends who became good friends with me, I was able to spend an intense 6 months. I am truly blessed to have met and made friends who I can call my best friends during this study abroad period. I also met a Japanese woman, who is also my wife, during my study in Taiwan. In a sense, I now feel that this is why I went to Taiwan. My wife and I got married in 2011 and have two children. |
-2009.6 | 6か月の留学を経て帰国、成田空港近くのホテルと東京汐留駅近くのホテルにて通算1年間、ホテルの接客業務に従事 映画業界の仕事で、毎月数回運営に携わっていた試写会で感じた、接客の喜びが心に残っていたこともあり、いつかホテルで仕事をしてみたい、という夢見たホテル業界で仕事を始めます。最初のホテルは、実家から通勤圏内の成田空港近くのホテルでした。ここでは、ベルデスク業務に携わり、日本語・英語・中国語を使った接客に従事し、多くのお客様にお会いしましたが、私の不十分な英語にも関わらずお客様がお帰りの際に「It’s good to see you.」と言っていただけたことは、接客の楽しさを再確認させてくれる出来事で、私の誇りでもあります。その後、東京都内のラグジュアリーホテルへ転職し、料飲部に配属され創作高級フレンチのフロアを担当しました。ここでは、バックヤードでの人間関係に気持ちが負けてしまい、体調を崩すことに。外国人マネジャーから評価していただき、昇進のお話もいただきましたが、最終的に退職することをお伝えし、映画業界への再転職を決意します。 Returned to Japan after 6 months of study abroad and worked in hotel hospitality for a total of 1 year at a hotel near Narita Airport and a hotel near Shiodome Station in Tokyo. I had always been impressed by the joy of serving customers at the previews I was involved in running several times a month in the movie industry, and I had always dreamed of working in a hotel someday. My first hotel was near Narita Airport, within commuting distance from my parents’ home. At this hotel, I worked at the bell desk and served guests in Japanese, English, and Chinese, and I met many guests. It is also my pride and joy. After that, I moved to a luxury hotel in Tokyo and was assigned to the food and beverage department, where I was in charge of the creative fine French cuisine floor. Here, my feelings were overwhelmed by the relationships in the backyard, and I fell ill. The foreign manager appreciated me and offered me a promotion, but I finally informed him that I was resigning and decided to change jobs again to the film industry. |
-2010.6 | 映画の公式HPやWEB企画、携帯キャリアの課金サイト運営を行うIT企業に転職 当時、スマートフォンが市場に出回る直前で、入社した会社は、いわゆるガラケーの公式課金サイトを運営している会社でした。扱っていた情報は、映画情報、海外ドラマ情報、セレブゴシップといった内容で、最初は編集業務に従事し、後に営業に替わりました。この会社は、実質、経営されていた役員の方の栄養もあって、3名が鬱になり2名が退職することになりますが、私自身も鬱に近い状況に追い込まれます。そうこうしているうちに、精神的な影響かミスが目立ち始め、大きな挫折を味わいます。2年が過ぎた頃、以前勤めた会社の社長さんから台湾駐在のお話をいただき、思い切って台湾駐在を決意します。 いま振り返ると、とても大きな転機だったように感じます。 Moved to an IT company that manages official movie websites, web planning, and billing sites for mobile carriers. At the time, just before smartphones hit the market, I joined a company that operated an official billing site for so-called “Galapagos” mobile phones. The information handled included movie information, foreign drama information, and celebrity gossip, and I was first engaged in editorial work and later switched to sales. The company was nourished by the executive who was actually running the company. Three of us became depressed and two of us left the company, and I myself was driven into a near-depressive situation. After two years, the president of the company I worked for offered me a position in Taiwan, and I decided to take the plunge and move to Taiwan. Looking back on it now, I feel it was a very big turning point for me. |
-2013.1 | 台湾現地オフィス代表者としてオフィス運営業務全般業務(財務、経理、人事、営業、企画など)に従事 前職を12月31日付で退職となった翌日、1月1日から、台湾での生活が始まります。最初に担当したのは、日系企業向けのライセンスプロモーション企画の立案と提案でした。大手日系時計メーカー様に4コマ漫画企画を提案し採用していただけたのが最初の受注でしたが、留学した経験があるとはいえ、商習慣が違う海外での受注は、凄く嬉しかった記憶があります。その後、現地オフィスの代表としてオフィスマネジメント業務にも携わります。資金調達したり、人員を増やしたりしながら、キャラクターイベントを自社で主催したり、小学生向けフリーペーパーの創刊・広告営業などの業務も行いました。キャラクターイベントでは、大成功したイベントもあれば、大赤字のイベントもありますが、どちらも素晴らしい経験です。フリーペーパーの創刊にあたっては、台北市市政府のホームページにPDFをご掲載いただいたり、台北市内や近郊都市の博物館や科学館、森林公園といった行政が運営する施設とのタイアップも実施し、営業では、小学校でのイベント実施を獲得するなど、勉強になったことが多くあります。駐在5年目を迎えた2017年夏に東京本社への帰任命令があり、里帰り出産していた妻に相談したところ「広島で子育てがしたい」ということを言ってくれたこともあり、退職する旨を社長に伝え帰国し、広島へ移住することになります。 同社での仕事を続けたい想いが強くありましたが、家族を優先しました。いまは、広島での出会いやこれまでの経験も含め、この時の判断が間違っていなかったと感じています。 Engaged in general office operation duties (finance, accounting, human resources, sales, planning, etc.) as a representative of the local office in Taiwan On January 1, the day after I resigned from my previous job on December 31, I started my life in Taiwan. My first assignment was to plan and propose a licensing promotion plan for a Japanese company. Although I had studied abroad, I remember how happy I was to receive an order from a foreign country with different business customs. Later, as a representative of the local office, I was also involved in office management. While raising funds and increasing the number of staff, I also organized character events on my own, launched a free newspaper for elementary school students, and conducted advertising sales. Some of our character events have been very successful, and some have been very unsuccessful, but both have been wonderful experiences. In launching the free paper, we had a PDF on the Taipei City Government website, and we also conducted tie-ups with government-run facilities such as museums, science museums, and forest parks in Taipei City and neighboring cities. I have learned a lot from these experiences. In the summer of 2017, in my fifth year at the company, I received an order to return to the Tokyo head office. When I discussed this with my wife, who was having a baby back home, she told me that she wanted to raise her child in Hiroshima, so I informed the president that I would be leaving the company, returned to Japan, and moved to Hiroshima. Although I strongly wanted to continue working for the company, I gave priority to my family. Now, I feel that I made the right decision, including the encounters I had in Hiroshima and the experiences I had gained there. |
-2018.2 | プロスポーツチーム向けにキャラクターライセンス商品の販売を行う企業に就職 私の経験が活かせそうな企業に採用していただくことができ、未経験ではありましたが、生産管理部の部長職として、経費削減や業務の効率化などを進めつつ、経営陣への提言なども行っていました。入社2年目に差し掛かろうとした頃、上長から台湾プロ野球への商品提案の可否を問われ、台湾駐在の頃に台湾プロ野球の各チームと、小学生向けのフリーペーパーでインタビュー企画をさせていただいたこともあり、連絡先を知っていたことから商品提案が実現し、同社の海外向けの初めての実績が実現することになります。生産管理部のマネジメントと海外営業の二足の草鞋を履く形にはなりましたが、とても楽しい時間でした。3年目を迎えた夏、商品の製造を依頼していた取引先の台湾タオルメーカーの社長が「日本市場に挑戦してみたい」と話されたことで、これに呼応する形で、退職を決意します。正直なところ、相当、思い切ったことだったな、と感じていますが、自分らしい判断でもあるので、後悔はありません。 I was hired by a company that sells licensed character products to professional sports teams. I was hired by a company that seemed to be able to make use of my experience, and although I had no experience, as a manager of the Production Management Department, I was promoting cost reduction and operational efficiency while also making proposals to management. When I was about to enter my second year with the company, I was asked by my superior if I could propose a product to the Taiwanese professional baseball team. This was the company’s first overseas achievement. In the summer of my third year, the president of a Taiwanese towel manufacturer, who had asked me to manufacture their products, told me that he wanted to try the Japanese market, and in response, I decided to leave the company. To be honest, I feel that it was quite a drastic decision, but I have no regrets because it is a decision that is uniquely mine. |
-2021.1 | 台湾タオルメーカーの日本市場開拓を担当 年が明けて、海外企業の日本市場開拓という、まったく未経験な領域に挑戦しますが、4か月を迎えた頃、日本市場向け資金が不足した旨の連絡が台湾本社の社長から連絡があります。致し方ない部分もあったため、日本市場開拓を断念し、転職活動を始めます。 同時に、同社の日本支社設立の準備を進めていたこともあり、既にお取引いただいている会社様もあったことで、自身が代表となる株式会社便利箱を設立することを決意し、現在に至ります。 「便利箱」という名称は、妻と会社設立の話をしていた時に、たまたま、私の部屋に置いてあった、台湾の郵便局が販売している段ボール箱「便利箱」を妻が見つけ、「便利箱はどう?」となり、会社設立にあたり、お世話になった方に相談したところ「良いですね!」とのお言葉をいただき、決めました。 台湾から日本、日本から台湾、台湾から海外、日本から海外、国を超えて人と人、企業と企業、人と企業が繋がる一役を担いたい想いもあったので「便利箱」という名称がハマった感じでもあります。 ※2021年8月~2022年1月の間、70年以上の歴史を持つ地場の印刷会社に就職し副業を許可していただき、業務に従事しましたが、社風が合わずに退職しています。 In charge of developing the Japanese market for a Taiwanese towel manufacturer At the beginning of the year, I took on the challenge of developing the Japanese market for an overseas company, an area in which I had absolutely no experience. However, around the four-month mark, I received a call from the president of the Taiwan headquarters informing me that funds for the Japanese market were insufficient. However, after four months, he received a call from the president of the Taiwanese headquarters informing him that they were running out of funds for the Japanese market. At the same time, I was preparing to establish a Japanese branch of the company, and since some companies were already doing business with us, I decided to establish a company called “Convenience Box,” of which I would be the representative. When my wife and I were discussing the establishment of the company, she happened to find a “convenience box,” a cardboard box sold by the Taiwanese post office, in my room. I asked the person who had helped us when we set up the company, and he said, “That’s a good idea! I consulted with the person who helped me establish the company, and he said, “It’s a good idea! I also wanted to play a role in connecting people to people, companies to companies, and people to companies beyond national borders, from Taiwan to Japan, Japan to Taiwan, Taiwan to overseas, and Japan to overseas. *From August 2021 to January 2022, I worked for a local printing company with a history of more than 70 years, which allowed me to work on the side, but I left the company because I did not fit the corporate culture. |
I have been acting in response to Oda’s desire to “take on every challenge” and to the letters of challenge that I receive from people around me. Sometimes I am simply taken advantage of because I want to be of service to others, but the chemical reactions that occur when people connect with each other are what I enjoy most and what brings me the most joy.
